”Make-up is not a mask that covers up your beauty; It’s a weapon that helps you express who you are from the inside.” Michelle Phan
Lindsey’s Story
Being diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer at the age of 36 years old was absolutely awful! In order to get better you ‘throw’ yourself into treatment and whilst the harsh realities of treatment occur you sacrifice your appearance as this really does not matter.
As I approached the end of treatment (intensive chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy) I quickly realised that as a way of moving forward I had to ditch my wig and fast! Treatment had meant that I had lost my hair (I had a number 1 at this point), my skin was very dry, brittle nails and I had worst bags under my eyes ever.
A very close friend recommended ‘Styled in Colour’ to me as she had recently had her colours done and was pleased with the result. I made contact with Jill explaining my situation and she made me feel at ease straight away so an appointment was booked to have a full make up prescription and lesson.
During the actual appointment, we covered colours and styles personality. After a full consultation we went with the ‘dramatic’ look. I felt comfortable to take my wig off and the make up session began.
Jill had listened carefully to the issues IO had presented with and really brought out the best in me. I came away with skin that looked healthy and radiant and colours that really brought the best out in me. I also learnt a new way to use eyeliner that made my eyes look bigger and wider and since then I have ditched the type of eyeliner that I had used since the age of 15. I was totally impressed with the way I looked!
As it was coming to the end of the session Jill told me that I could put my wig back on when I was ready. When I did I felt like I looked absolutely ridiculous and felt like I was in disguise and it actually hid any of the emphasised features that Jill had brought out during the sessions. From that point on I have not worn my wig and felt comfortable and confident to reveal my new look! Thank you Jill for making that part of my recovery easier!!!!

Look good- feel great- be confident

Colour Me Beautiful is recognised as the international leader in the colour, image and styling industry. Our fully trained consultants have been changing the lives of both men and women in Europe, Africa and The Middle East for over three decades