New Year, New You

So here we are in January yet again! Cold, back at work, detoxing after all the Christmas cheer and generally feeling a little bit miserable right? Here at Styled In Colour I can kick start your new year by creating the very best version of you! I can help you look good/slimmer/younger and healthier with no surgical interventions or faddy diets in sight! Finding confidence in the way we look and present ourselves to the world is vital in achieving our goals in life. If we don’t feel confident in ourselves then how can we expect others to believe in us too?

Having a colour consultation can immediately energise you and make you feel more empowered. Wearing the right colours will get you noticed for all of the right reasons and will make a lasting first impression.

Having a style consultation will give you the necessary rules to make shopping easier, quicker and more effective with non of the impulse buys of the past! Of course it will make you look better too, as it teaches you those all important rules for dressing for your body shape!

Having a make-up prescription or make-up lesson will give you confidence in the colours that you are choosing to wear on your face along with the knowledge of how to apply them properly. We can even advise on how to take a daytime look in to nighttime so you will never again be left with the dilemma of what to put in your handbag for a revamp of your make-up after work! Research carried out in America concluded that professional women who wear make-up are perceived as more likeable, trustworthy and competent whereas UK research demonstrated that waitresses who wear red lipstick get up to 25% extra in tips!

Booking a wardrobe weed can instantly de-clutter your over filled hangers and drawers. By culling the items that simply don’t work I can show you how to use the items that will work to your best advantage and demonstrate how to co-ordinate them all with that long term goal of achieving a capsule wardrobe. A de-cluttered wardrobe = a de-cluttered mind!

A personal shopping experience can assist you to make sound purchases that are right for your body shape and that harmonise with your colouring. So if it’s a special occasion, a job interview, a new working wardrobe or an existing wardrobe overhaul, I’m the girl for you!

Having a colour or make up party can give you a taste of the wonderful world of Colour Me Beautiful whilst sharing the experience and cost with your close friends. Even better, when you book a party the money that you pay to attend is discounted from any future bookings for colour analysis and style.

Bye for now,

Jill x